Red Currants


(Fay's Prolific x Heinemann's Rote Spatlese - Holland, 1990)

Very large fruit on extremely long strigs and heavy crops make Rovada an excellent choice for fresh market and U-pick. Very free of mildew and other leaf diseases. Late flowering (May) avoids frost. Flowers and fruits later than Redstart. Harvest begins in mid-August.

Suitability: Commercial Growers/Gardeners


(Jonkheer van Tets x Heinemann's Rote Spatlese, 1992, Research Inst. of Fruit and Decorative Trees, Bojnice, Slovakia)

Extremely vigorous and very attractive upright growth habit, leaves are dark green which contributes to ornamental value, good resistance to foliar diseases, adapts well to variable climate conditions, particularly well suited to higher elevations, high degree of tolerance to late spring frost, very long clusters of bright red fruit, mean yields in European trials 10-12 kg. per bush.